Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 9-12-2011

Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez vs. John Cena and Bret Hart Review:

Cena attacks Ricardo, running through Rodriguez. Del Rio is looking on the outside, trying to avoid Cena. He hits a five knuckle shuffle on Ricardo. Del Rio leaves the ring, and Hart comes in to lock a sharpshooter. He taps out.


Thank god this did not end Raw. Ridiculous and booked awfully. You see Del Rio run away basically, and we get a cheap pop for Hart. I wish we got more out of the WWE Championship story, but it may be one of the worst booked matches as far as building up to it that I have seen all year. This segment gets a D.

Kelly Kelly vs. Vickie Guerrero Review:

Kelly Kelly punches down Vickie, and hits a face buster. Kelly Kelly kicks Vickie to the corner, and does a butt wash on Vickie. Swagger comes out and yells at Ziggler. He hits Ziggler down, as Kelly Kelly rolls up Vickie for the win.


Hour two of Raw is off to a bad start. Two segments that did not work, as we already know the heat between Swagger/Ziggler/Vickie. Beth makes a little appearance, but Kelly Kelly fights her off quickly and ineffective. There is nothing to take away from this segment that we already did not know. It is frustrating that tonight has been less than average when we still did not have the entire PPV booked. You need to for a pay per view with every championship on the line. This segment gets an F. Awful match, missed spot, and the end was lackluster.

They do a fantastic video package of Triple H, pumping up his return to the ring.

Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes Review:

Before the match, Mark Henry is interviewed by Josh Matthews doing his usual talk. Orton starts off with a clothesline, and locks Rhodes in a headlock. He hits a massive back body drop, and Mark Henry comes out to the ramp. Orton grabs a chair to chase off Henry. Rhodes tries to attack Orton, but he throws Rhodes into the barricade. Orton continues his dominance, stomping a mud hole into Rhodes. He follows up with ten punches to the head. A clothesline gives Orton a two count, as he continues to look at the ramp to see if Henry will come out. Orton stomps away at Orton, as Henry comes out once again and sits in the ramp. Rhodes hits a kick to Orton’s face on the outside. We come back from commercial, as Rhodes is in full control. He throws Orton to the corner, and hits an armdrag take down. Rhodes stomps away as Orton is lying on the mat. He works on the shoulder of Orton, and locks in a submission move. As Orton takes over, Henry comes closer to the ring. Orton goes for the DDT, countered, and Orton counters Rhodes. He finally hits his DDT, but Henry begins to walk up the steps to distract Orton. Rhodes hits him with his mask, hits Cross Rhodes, and gets the pinfall on Orton. Henry unloads a chair shot to Orton, and poses with the World Championship in his hand.


The match itself was good, not great. I feel like it was slowing down as the match went on, because of what Henry was doing on the outside. The cheap win gives Rhodes something to brag about, and it does not make Orton look weak at all due to the continuous distractions. I loved the mind game Henry did with Orton throughout, as it gives you more of a realistic approach to Sunday’s World Heavyweight Championship match. On the other hand, who will face Rhodes? You feel like it will be DiBiase, but we have yet to see him. Wouldn’t it have made sense if DiBiase would have done SOMETHING to Rhodes tonight? That frustrates me because the Intercontinental Championship seemed to be on the rise again, but has fallen out of sight and out of mind to WWE Creative. This segment gets a B-.


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