Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 9-12-2011

Opening Segment Review:

Alberto Del Rio is in the ring, talking about being disrespected. He talks about how Cena hit him with the AA. He was being made fun of by the WWE Universe, and he says no one makes fun of him. He talks about how he took out Mysterio, how he retired Edge, and how he beat CM Punk at Summerslam. Out comes Bret Hart, who says he wants to give Del Rio some advice. He says he sees a man who does not deserve to be a World Champion. He says Del Rio is just a flash in the pan. Del Rio says Hart looks like a homeless person, and rips him about what he is wearing. Del Rio is about to fight Hart, but out comes John Cena. Cena points to Hart and says he is a WWE Hall of Famer. He calls Del Rio a coward because he continues to run away. He tells Del Rio to go away, and go back to Mexico. Cena says he will beat Del Rio at Night of Champions. Del Rio tells Cena he should fight Ricardo Rodriguez. Cena says it should be Hart vs. Del Rio for the WWE Championship. John Lauranitis comes out, and says on behalf of Triple H. Ricardo and Del Rio vs. John Cena and Bret Hart.


So, being in Canada, I assume this makes sense for the live crowd to have Bret Hart come out, but aside from that, what is the point? Hart will get cheers even if he did not wrestle, and was just involved in some backstage angle. Hart seemed very rusty on the microphone, but it is always good to see him back in the WWE. This will not be a long term thing, but I feel the timing is a little off since the PPV is only six days away. I would rather have an established main event where it makes sense, maybe Orton and Cena vs. Del Rio and Henry so you can see both title matches in one segment. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the tag match tonight though. This segment gets a C.

Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler vs. Alex Riley and John Morrison Review:

Ziggler and Morrison work in the ring together, as both men reverse one another. Ziggler is catapulted to the corner, and Morrison hits a kick from the middle rope. Morrison gets driven into the ring post, as Ziggler stomps away. Zigglers hits a picture perfect neck breaker, followed by an elbow drop. Morrison hits a kick to Ziggler, and Swagger and Riley enter. Riley hits a spinebuster on Swagger, followed by a DDT. Swagger gets Riley on the ground with an ankle lock. Riley hits his finisher, as Ziggler did not try to break up the tag.


A quick, but effective match to give us some sort of idea what is happening with the U.S. Title. Riley hit all of his moves well, and Morrison should have gotten more time in the ring as well. I wish this match would have gotten a lot more time, because all four of these guys can put on quite a performance in the ring. It looks like they could have a fatal four way at Night of Champions to give all these guys a match. This segment gets a B-. It could have been much better if they gave the match through a commercial break.


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