Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw 9-19-2011 Reaction

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Morrison Review:

Del Rio starts off quickly, taking Morrison down. He hits a neckbreaker and then Applies the Arm Bar for the victory.


Couldn't they let Del Rio squash someone else? They completely kill Morrison each and every week, and this could have been a great match, but was not. Give him someone like McIntyre or someone who was not in a title match last night. That was terrible, and showed me nothing but a pissed off Del Rio. We continue to see WWE Creative with no faith in Morrison, which is sad. This segment gets a D.

In Ring Segment Review:

Hugh Jackman comes out talking about how he loves the WWE, and talks about his movie. Vickie and Dolph come out to interrupt Hugh. Vickie says she is his biggest fan, and says she is the hottest Diva. She says she represents the hottest superstar in the WWE, Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler says he does not appreciate Jackman taking away his time. Ziggler says he defeated three other superstars, and begins to bash Jackman. Ziggler says Cleveland is the town of the underdog, and Ziggler says he is as real as it gets. He also says losers lose. Jackman says he is going to find an underdog backstage, beat Ziggler, and humiliate him. Ziggler yells back, and the crowd wants Ryder apparently. Jackman grab a Ryder>Wolverine sign and heads to the back.


A very interesting segment. I feel like Jackman was good to garner some crowd support, and Ziggler was fantastic on the microphone. His timing was good, and his quick jabs at other superstars shows his arrogance. When Jackman got the Ryder sign, I feel like he did that all by himself. If Ryder does not come out, then we know it was a spur of the moment thing for Jackman. Also, if Ryder fights, you have to wonder how his role on Smackdown will change if he pulls off an upset. Jackman boosted his movie, but also was there in a meaningful way. He did not waste much time, and I was interested to see who he would get, until he grabbed the sign. This segment gets a B.

We see The Miz and R Truth arriving to the arena, as they apologize to John Lauranitis. They head to see Triple H.


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