Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw 9-19-2011 Reaction

Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes Review:

The other Sin Cara comes out and goes face to face with the one already in the ring. They pose to the crowd, one gets boos and one gets cheers.They battle back and forth, reversing moves and countering one another. One Cara hits a hurricanranna and a drop kick, sending the other to the outside.


Cody came out for no reason, and there was not a match. They countered back and forth and just showed us that there are two Cara's, in case we did not see it on Smackdown. No grade. I guess we know that Rhodes is not the other Cara….(sarcasm)

R Truth and The Miz both apologize to Triple H. They both say sorry for interfering, and think he is doing a great job as COO. He fines them 250,000 dollars each. He then books a match for tonight, which is Truth and Miz vs. Cena and Punk.

Jim Ross Interviews Mark Henry:

Ross says at Hell in a Cell it will be Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry inside Hell in a Cell. Ross introduces Mark Henry. Ross asks how it feel to win the big one? Henry says to all the haters and nay sayers, he will deal with you in a minute. Henry says he never has been in a Hell in the Cell match, but he gave Orton hell last night. He says no man will take what he has got. He says he will never forgive Ross or anyone else. He said nobody ever supported him, and he wants Ross to apologize for the fans and apologize to Henry. He says everyone knows that Ross did not like Henry, that he told Vince to fire him, how he was injury prone, and how he was an under achiever. Ross apologizes, and Henry says he hates ass kissers. He grabs Ross's tie and pulls him to his knees. Lawler comes in the ring to break up the altercation. Lawler tries to strike, but is knocked down by Henry. He then hits a World's Strongest Slam on Lawler. He kicks him to the outside and begins to move apart the table. He crashed Lawler through the table with a World's Strongest Slam.


What was the point of this? Does this make Henry look like a stronger champion, or does it make him look ridiculous? I do not understand why they made him go after Lawler. I assume they are going with the route that Henry does not care about anybody, and will do whatever he wants, which makes him look like a rulebreaker. Besides from this, I do not get why he couldn't dominate someone that makes sense. The evolution of Mark Henry will not be remembered by this, but I feel they did this just to try and gain heat from a Cleveland favorite, Jerry Lawler. It shows that they do not want him and Orton to face an altercation, but it makes me scratch my head wondering how the next two Smackdown shows will go. It looks like the fans need to take him "seriously" now, that he took out Lawler. Didn't we do that last night, when he beat Orton? This segment gets a C-.

Josh Matthews comes out to ringside to join Michael Cole

Kelly Kelly and Eve vs. Beth Phoenix and Natayla Review:

Kelly Kelly and Beth start the match off, with Phoenix stomping away at Kelly Kelly. Kelly reverses a move and hits a hurricanranna, sending Phoenix to the corner. Eve comes in and kicks at Phoenix. Phoenix reverses it with a boot to her chest, and tags in Natalya. They double team Eve, with a shoulder block. Eve reverses a move, and picks up a pin fall victory.


I am starting to think Phoenix and Natalya will continue to struggle, and either split up or overcome "adversity" and one will finally win the Divas Championship. I just cannot buy into the fact that they keep losing, but dominate the other Divas. They are not being booked properly, as we cannot take them seriously with how they want us to. If they continue to lose, what would be the point besides a split? That would ruin this resurrection of the Divas division, headed by Phoenix and Natalya. Confusing and just rushed. I give this segment a C- because the match was not horrible. It was the finish over anything that does not do anything for me.

Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler Review:

Ryder hits a quick fist, and gets a two count. He punches away at Ziggler, and hits a running boot to Ziggler's face. Ziggler kicks him in the stomach, as Ryder falls down. Ziggler stomps away at Ryder, and then connects with a swinging neck breaker. Ryder gets a two count, and Ziggler gets back on the offensive. Ziggler applies an arm lock, but Ryder fights out of it. Ziggler then slaps Ryder in the face. Ryder hits a knee to Ziggler, and both men hit each other with clotheslines to slow the pace down a bit. Vickie gets ejected after slapping Ryder, and Jackman punches Ziggler. Ryder hits the Rough Ryder for the win.


Will this propel Ryder into the U.S Title picture? I hope so, because the fans want to see him and so do I. Call me a mark, Ryder is entertaining and does have some good moves in the ring. You can also switch this to blaming Vickie, which Ziggler will do. That creates dissention between the two, and Swagger will definitely inject himself into the triangle. If Ryder is seen as a legit contender, then Riley and Morrison will get buried, if they already have not. The match was good, as both men got an opportunity to show offensive skill set, and it showed the climax of Jackman getting involved. I enjoyed it, and hope to see an actual meaningful match between the two in the coming weeks. It would be new, fresh, and a different competitor for Ziggler. This segment gets a B.


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