Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw 9-19-2011 Reaction

The Miz and R Truth vs. John Cena and CM Punk Reivew:

Cena punches and hits Miz with a bulldog, then Punk enters and they double hiptoss Miz and Punk hits with a running legdrop to get a two count. Truth ties Punk up in the ropes and hits away at his chest. Punk tags in Cena, as he await the tag to Miz. Miz kicks Cena in the knee and hits a DDT as we head to a commercial break. Miz kicks Cena in the face. Cena ducks another kick, but Miz hits his backbreaker followed by a neck breaker. Miz tags in Truth, who stops Cena from making a tag. Cena gets back on the offensive with an atomic drop then knocks Truth off the apron, but Miz clotheslines him then sets up in the corner for another running clothesline. Miz misses his running clothesline, as Punk gets the hot tag. Punk unleashes offensie moves on Miz then connects with a drop kick. Punk hits a bulldog and follows it with a springboard clothesline. Miz is set up for a GTS, fights out of it and almost runs into Truth. He gets pushed into Truth, and Punk hits a GTS for the victory.

After the match,

Cena and Punk celebrate, but out comes Triple H. He fires Truth and Miz. Miz and Truth run to the back and attack Triple H in front of the entire roster of superstars. This happened before Triple H could answer Scott Stanford's question of why he fired them. The roster pulls them apart, and carry Miz and Truth until they throw them out the door. Triple H is upset, as Raw goes off the air.


The tag team match was excellent, as it showed a great combination of athleticism, timing, execution, and a beginning, middle, and end. Miz and Truth do work well together, as one is the athletic guy, and the other is more of a physical and powerful type wrestler. I did not like how good Cena and Punk were to one another, as they are opponents in less than two weeks. I would rather see some conflict between the two, since their history is still very fresh and still present. With no Del Rio, this shows that nobody will take him seriously because a squash of Morrison will not be remembered much. The after match gives us a question of why? It keeps the viewers wondering another week why they were fired… What story will come out of this? Will Vince be heading Miz, Truth and Nash? I would love to hear what you think. As always, I appreciate you reading and post your opinions on what is going to happen next in this intricate storyline…. This segment gets an A.

Overall Grade: Raw gets a B-.

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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