Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw 9-19-2011 Reaction

Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 9-19-2011

Opening Segment Review:

Out comes CM Punk, who talks about what bad memories he has of Cleveland. He says he also has to agrees with The Miz and R Truth, and there is a conspiracy happening in the WWE. Triple H's music hits, and here comes the game. Triple H says he is still the COO and will do his job. He says Del Rio deserves a rematch, but Punk does also. Punk vs. Del Rio vs. Cena in a triple threat Hell in a Cell match in two weeks. Triple H says he had nothing to do with the conspiracy, and Punk should get that through his thick head. He said he is ready to go to war again. Punk says that somebody is playing the both of them, and they are using the fact that they have issues. Out comes John Lauranitis, who agrees about a conspiracy, and Lauranitis thinks that CM Punk has something to do with it. Punk thinks Lauranitis is responsible for everything. Lauranitis says Punk works for him, but Lauranitis works for Triple H. Lauranitis says Punk is fired, but Triple H says he is not fired. Triple H says someone will find out who is responsible, and someone will be fired tonight.


Good build for a storyline with a new twist. You saw the biggest story to start the show, and it gives you something to look forward to tonight. I feel like they still do not know what they want to do with this, and just keep it going to find a logical finish. Either way, it made the fans interested to see who gets fired. This could open the door up for a Vince return. This segment gets a B.

Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Justin Gabriel, and Sheamus vs. Christian, Wade Barrett, Michael McGillicutty, and David Otunga Review:

McGillicutty and Gabriel start the match off, until Kofi comes in for a quick two count. Kofi hits an Elbow to the jaw of McGillicutty, until Bourne gets the tag and jumps on the stomach of McGillicutty. Bourne gets his hurricanranna reverses and is dropped with a side suplex. Otunga comes in, clotheslines Bourne, and begins to beat him down. Barrett enters and stomps away at Bourne. Barrett connects with a backbreaker. Christian is now in the ring, and slaps at the chest of Bourne. Bourne gets on the offensive, hits a flying knee, but is cut off by Otunga. Sheamus finally gets a tag and takes down Otunga with a body slam. He hits a backbreaker, as all men are in the ring. Kofi gets great elevation and hits a body splash onto Barrett. Christian and Sheamus are in the ring, as he escapes and leaves Otunga in the right. Brogue Kick on Otunga, followed by a Celtic Cross gives Sheamus and his team a win. Christian looks on.


A decent match with no much build, but more of every guy hitting a few moves. Otunga became the goat at the end of the match, as Sheamus continues to look dominant. They are spending time on Sheamus, and you can only think he should be in the World Title picture soon. I would have liked to see more in ring action between Barrett, Sheamus, and even Christian, but I liked how Christian was escaping without confrontation directly with Sheamus. Keep that cat and mouse game going into Smackdown. This segment gets a B.

We see Triple H telling referee Chad Patton to bring Miz and Truth to him when they arrive. Del Rio enters and says he wishes Mr. McMahon would come back as the COO. Triple H says he should pray for all the luck because of his match at Hell in a Cell.


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