Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 9-22-2011

Bully Ray and Jerry Lynn vs. Mr. Anderson Review:

Lynn and Anderson start it off. Anderson punches Ray, and hits a fireman’s carry on Lynn. Anderson goes up top but lands on the ropes. Ray comes in and bodyslams Anderson. Ray hits a splash and locks in a head lock. He tags in Lynn who mocks RVD. Anderson hits Lynn with a diving clothesline. He hits Bully Ray with a neckbreaker.

Anderson connects with a kick, and he tosses Lynn out of the ring. He reverses a Bubba Bomb and connects with the mic check. Anderson gets taken to the outside, but throws Lynn into the steps. He hits a kenton bomb on Bully Ray. Lynn tries to break it up with a move off the top rope, but Anderson moves and he hits Bully Ray. Lynn ends up hitting a dropkick onto Anderson after a reversal, and he lands on Bully Ray. Ray grabs a chain and wraps it around his fist, and knocks out Anederson for the win.


I really enjoyed the action in this match, as I felt Anderson carried the match throughout. Ray is starting to grow on me, because he has come a long way and is in the best wrestling shape of his life. The match had a cheat to win mentality throughout, as we saw Anderson reverse moves and was spot on in his execution, especially with Lynn. The action, the timing, and the amount of oneupsmanship was interesting and well planned. This segment gets a B+.

Daniels and AJ Styles are in the ring. Daniels says that he has nothing left to prove. Styles gets upset, and slaps the microphone out of his hand. Daniels calls him a sore loser and a bitch. They brawl. They continue to fight through the commercial in the back. Kazarian runs in to break them up. He says this is about family, its personal, and has crossed the line.

James Storm vs. Kurt Angle Review:

Angle begins by pushing down Storm. Storm gets back up, punches away at Angle and hits a hip toss. Storm begins his ground and pound attack on Angle. He applies a headlock, until Angle reverses it, hits an uppercut, but gets taken back down by Storm with a backbreaker. Storm throws him into the barricade on the outside. They go up the ramp, and Angle hits a belly to belly suplex on the ramp. Both men go back and forth offensively, as Angle uses his excellent submission moves to take advantage of Storm. Angle locks in an ankle lock. Storm rolls up Angle up for a quick two count. Storm throws his shoulder into the ring post. Gunner comes out to try and interfere. Storm knocks him off the apron, and Angle hits his slam, but Storm kicks out at two. Storm goes for his finisher, Angle reverses it, but Storm hits the Last Call. Since the referee is knocked out, another one runs down to make the count. Gunner pulls the referee out and knocks him out. Gunner hits Storm with the title over his head. Out comes Bobby Roode, who cleans house. He grabs the title and holds it above his head, then places is it at his feet. Angle clutches it and Impact comes to an end.


A solid way to end Impact, giving the championship match more of an angle building over Sting and Hogan. They really need to be careful they do not blow his push of Roode, as I feel he needs more and more exposure each week, whether he has Storm with him or not. He does need more separation from him, as he and Angle need to have their own storyline. They are giving it time, and Storm worked well with Angle. This segment gets a B, as I feel they ended it appropriately. We saw a genuine concern with Angle looking at Roode as we ended this week’s Impact.

Overall Grade: B-. All I ask is for more consistency of their stories heading into their “WrestleMania”

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