Title This: WWE Monday Night Raw Reaction 9-26-2011

Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler for the US Title Review:

Ryder gets taken down by Ziggler, who hits a body splash on Ryder in the corner. Ziggler continues to kick Ryder, finishing up with some fists. Ryder reverses Ziggler and runs through him a few times. He punches away at Ziggler, and hits the Broski Boot. He sets him up for the Rough Ryder, but is reversed. Swagger hits Ryder in the ropes, as Ziggler hits the ZigZag for the victory. They beat down Ryder, and out comes Air Boom to save Ryder. He makes a 6 man tag match, and Vickie needs to find a third partner. This sets up…

Air Boom and Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler Swagger and ??? Review:

Swagger and Kofi go at it, and hits a big dropkick. Bourne gets the tag, and hits the tag team move where he stomps on Swagger from the ropes. Bourne kicks Swagger, but Swagger slugs away at his back. Ziggler comes in and punches down Bourne. Ziggler hits a neck breaker, followed by a few stomps, and tags Swagger back in. Jack kicks Bourne and grounds him quickly. He applies some submission moves, but in comes Kofi, who hits 10 punches onto Swagger. He hits an uppercut, and out comes Mason Ryan who joins Swagger and Ziggler. Bourne comes back in, and whips Swagger in the corner. Kofi gets the quick tag, and they begin to take out Swagger with a few tag team moves. In comes Ryder, who gets a huge clothesline from Swagger. Mason Ryan enters, and clotheslines Swagger. He throws Ziggler back in the ring, and hits a huge powerslam into a side slam. Ryder hits a Rough Ryder for the victory.


First off, i enjoyed the transition from the one on one match to the six man tag. I was shocked to see Ryan turn on Vickie, as I feel he could work well as a body guard type for her. It was unexpected, and I did enjoy the crowd reaction. It was another way to “screw” Ziggler out of a victory, and seeing Air Boom was entertaining as well. I just wish they did not make Bourne be the weak link every single match, and then have Kofi save him. They need to find a good tag team to have a legit feud with, as they are making the titles somewhat relevant, given their exposure. Ryder winning shows they really do care about what the fans want. This segment gets a B+ with the entertainment and the continued storyline build of the United States Championship, as well as adding a new wrinkle of Mason Ryan.


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