Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 9-30-2011

Randy Orton vs. Christian

Another great match between these two guys, as I do not think it is possible that they put on a bad match. Orton and Christian have had their spotlight, and they got it "one more time" on Smackdown.

What I Liked:

The pacing, the intensity of a non title match was great to see. Christian and Orton have wonderful chemistry together, as both men know how to time their moves and connect with their reversals. Christian tried to run like how his character has built up to be. Orton looked aggressive again for the second consecutive week. Countout means nothing because Orton needs to grab the attention of the audience heading into Hell in a Cell. We also got to see both major Smackdown storylines at the very end.

What I Disliked:

Rhodes coming out quickly. Take the title off of him if you want him to be a main heel on the show. Let that storyline brew with another superstar, and give Rhodes a real feud. Henry beating down on Orton again is too repetitive. If you show the fans Orton take control at the end, we all begin to think Orton will take the title back. Reverse psychology is what they are trying to do, but it has been done too many times in the past month for us to think differently. Let Orton do more than one RKO. He needs to show his aggression on Henry, as he has been dominated by Henry in the past month.

Grade of Segment: B-

Grade of Smackdown: B-

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