Title This: WWE Hell in a Cell Rapid Reaction

Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara

What I Liked:

I enjoyed the music slightly being changed so we can separate the two masked superstars, along with their color schemes. I like how they were able to hit most of their moves, and continued to reverse one another to one up their opponent. I also enjoyed the finish of the match, as it was unique and creative.

What I Disliked:

The sloppy, botched spots. There were too many moves that looked like they barely hit one another. It seemed like their timing was off almost an entire second for some moves, which is an eternity at this fine craft in the ring. They needed to expose one of the other in some sort as the "fake" Cara. I also feel like the moves they tried to hit were too safe and cautious to make work. Lastly, who were the fans supposed to cheer and boo? We never knew, and it was just frustrating because when the crowd is dead, the atmosphere goes all the way down to the ground. They really rushed this feud, and hopefully add a new dimension to it if they need to continue the feud.

Grade of Match: C


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