Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 10-7-2011

Vickie, Christian, Swagger, Ziggler, Rhodes, Otunga, and Barrett talks about Triple H and how they will walk out:

What I Liked:

Adding Wade Barrett with this group complaining and rebelling against Triple H is a nice touch. They talk about how they need him to relinquish control. I loved everyone the microphone, especially Rhodes. You listen to him yell to the crowd, his tone and aggressive voice makes you believe what he says is real. He is a great and unique heel who knows how to get the crowd heated. I also enjoyed seeing Del Rio, who should have a big part in this as well, even if he is not directly involved with what Triple H is doing to everyone else.

What I Disliked:

The segment ended with Del Rio wanting a match, wanting to compete on Smackdown. He should be fighting against Triple H, not shying away from him. You can only add so many people against The Game, and having Del Rio here was just unnecessary. I would rather have him in a feud for his title, not in the mix with all of the other guys who need something like this to keep a spotlight on them.

Grade of Segment: B+

Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara(blue)

What I Liked:

The continued action in the ring, whether it was submission holds or athletic flying ability. It was good to finally see Cara lose clean and without controversy. Both men can work in the ring, but Cara got enough offense so he was not squashed. The match should have gotten more time, as neither man really worked in deep of his arsenal of moves.

What I Disliked:

Having the other Cara come out briefly to attack him was something we continue to see. Change up the feud a little bit, do something with these guys besides blind sided attacks after the match.

Grade of Segment: B-

Air Boom vs. Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked:

The guys attack Air Boom before the match even starts. They assault Kofi and Bourne before the match, which shows you the aggression and emphasis on building these guys as a tag team. You establish them as the heels who need to do anything it takes to win, even attacking before the match. Kofi having to work basically alone in the match, showing a weakness in the tag champs was a good touch. The pace of the match was fast and more of a fight than a match. Also, Bourne came in to pick up the pace, but was stopped in his tracks immediately.

What I Disliked:

There really wasn't anything that stood out to me that I disliked. I would of had Swagger and Ziggler continue to beat down Air Boom after the match, getting them in more "trouble" with Triple H. They easily could be a target and fined or suspended. We need to see the guys who are against Triple H show something more than a victory. There needs to be as much of a build in the ring as there is on the outside.


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