Top Ten: WWE Superstar Debuts

Number 8: Tazz January 23, 2000 WWE Royal Rumble

The heartbeat sound erupted a crowd in Madison Square Garden. Orange lights and the number 13 glistened over the video tron. We would then see a beast of an opponent for undefeated Kurt Angle, and that man was New York's own Tazz. The "Human Suplex Machine" received an incredible roar, and he began to suplex and submit Angle quickly. This was one of the first men from ECW/WCW to enter the WWE world. What he accomplished in ECW was second to none, as his legacy will never die. Tazz never lived up to expectations, due to a lack of a push and several injuries. His debut was spectacular, well timed, and he can thank his home crowd of making it extremely memorable.

Tazz Stats: 2  World Championships(ECW), 2 TV Championships (ECW), 3  Tag Team Championships, ECW Triple Crown Winner


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