Title This: TNA Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-13-2011

Karen Jarrett calls the Knockouts worthless and a waste. Velvet says she will be the next champion. A brawl ensues.

Mr. Anderson vs. Scott Steiner/ What Happened:

Bully Ray was the special enforcer outside. Steiner was in control in the beginning and does his typical move set. Anderson finally gets on the offensive, knocks down Steiner. Abyss comes to help, it backfires, and Anderson takes out Abyss. He pins Steiner.

What I Liked:

Immortal beating up and turning on Abyss post match. I never have been a big fan of Abyss, but him in this stable has never made much sense. He is a guy who cannot be in a stable, as he is limited on the microphone and does not have a look besides a loner, outcast character. Also, Bully Ray sending Anderson through a table as he tries to come back and help Abyss.

What I Disliked:

The actual match between Steiner and Anderson was bad. As simple as that sounds, they did not get on the same page at all. One man is in a PPV Match, one is not. Why Steiner controlled the match is beyond me. He is slow, unreliable, and cannot put on an entertaining match. I never thought I would live to see the day that I said I would rather see Ray over Steiner.

Grade: C+


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