The Pay-Per-Review: 2011 TNA Bound For Glory PPV

Pay-Per-Review: TNA "Bound For Glory" 2011

TO GET TO THE POINT: In my weekend feature on Sunday, entitled "What's NOT Bothering Me", I praised TNA for how good "Impact Wrestling" on Thursday nights have been in recent weeks.  I also said that same effort needed to carry over to pay per views.  "Bound For Glory" is TNA's biggest pay per view of the year (supposed to be), so I had very high expectations going into last night's event.  

Unfortunately, my high expectations led to major disappointment.

If TNA seriously wants this annual event to be their "WrestleMania", their "Super Bowl", they have to start treating it as such.  I felt they did that (for the most part) leading up to the pay per view with the last several Impact's, but the actual pay per view itself has to reflect that as well.  That one night of the year, TNA can't settle for the "same old".  From the ending to the missed spots to the same production and set we always see, TNA didn't make this pay per view feel any more special than every other pay per view event – or Impact even.

It wasn't ALL bad, but again, "average" isn't good enough for "Bound For Glory".  At least, it shouldn't be.


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