Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-20-2011

Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Angelina Love and Winter vs. Tara and Brooke Tessmacher/ What Happened

Love and Winter attack before the match to gain advantage. Winter carries the match, hitting a neck breaker followed by a clothesline and a face buster to the mat. The finish comes when Tara reverses a move, clotheslines Angelina and Winter, and Brooke hits a crossbody from the top rope for the win.

What I Liked:

The pace of this Knockout tag team match was solid, with a few nice spots. We also go to see how good Winter is. I feel like Brook is still very green, with a lot to learn on the ropes. She seemed off by a half second, which makes such a huge difference

What I Disliked:

No Mickie James, who is the center piece of the Knockouts Division. She needs to be featured each week, and needs a feud to build around her, not the Tag Team match. Also, Love and Winter still is an interesting pair to me, as I feel they are very different to be a tag team.

Grade: C

In Ring Segment/ What Happened:

Jeff and Karen Jarrett come out and talk about what happened with Jeff Hardy. Jarrett says Hardy cannot walk back in here just because Dixie is back in charge. Hardy, now in the ring, says the fans want him here. Jarrett is jealous of Hardy because the fans will never love him. They brawl, get separated until Jarrett hits Hardy with a low blow.

What I Liked:

This feud interests me, because it is fresh and completely out of nowhere. Jarrett is viewed as the "company guy" as where Hardy is the rebel, the outcast. When you add in history of Jarrett as being a guy who goes by the book, his patience is tested in the ring and on the microphone with Hardy. Two different stars with two different backgrounds and styles, I do like how they have started this.

What I Disliked:

The placement of this segment in the show. They could have pushed this back and put on a match here, as the crowd is basically dead after no action besides Knockouts for the basically the first hour of the show.

Grade: C-


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