Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-24-2011

Opening Segment:

Triple H starts off the show extremely upset with the attacks from Kevin Nash. He calls out Nash, but Laurinitis comes out to confront him. Furthermore, Laurinitis tells H to relax and that he will take care of everything. Continuously, Triple H continues to tell him to shut up. He said he will embarrass the company with his actions on Nash. He walks up the stage, but is hit in the back with a sledgehammer from Nash. Laurinitis yells at Nash to leave. We see Triple H heading into an ambulance on a stretcher, but Nash attacks once again, hitting him in the face with a sledgehammer.

What I Liked:

The realism from Triple H. He did not have his typical intonation in his voice, and made it feel like was unscripted. That is really hard to do in this business. I also loved the intensity of the angle with Nash, how he looked, and what all was done with the sledgehammer. You felt a real sense of betrayal.

What I Disliked:

Taking almost 25 minutes and two commercial breaks to complete this beginning segment. I also understand you want to sell this, but cut it down to one segment, and replay it later in the show. Furthermore, I felt like the medics were just ridiculous and clueless. I assume they could not do anything to stop Nash, which was the point of them being there.

Grade: B+

Randy Orton and Sheamus vs. Cody Rhodes and Christian:

What I Liked:

Once again, the pace of the match really started off Raw's in ring action the right way. You continue to expose two feuds at one time, and all four men tangle with one another. Rhodes and Christian work well together, with a lot of similarities. Both guys are not necessarily big, but use brawling tactics to make them look more powerful than they are.

What I Disliked:

The fact that the faces got over, a night after both men won in singles action at Vengeance. What is the point of this? Does it do anything for Orton and Sheamus, two guys who rarely lose? If you want stability and relevance  for two of your more talented heels, they need to give them a way to win, even if it is dirty.

Grade: B


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