Stars In Progress…Nash/HHH, Maryse Released & More

Maryse Released
One Unexplained Step Down

MaryseI'm sure we will eventually get details regarding the surprising WWE release of former Diva's Champion, Maryse, but for now, I give it a step down without question. Maryse may not have been involved with much currently, but she had been great the times WWE did call on her.

She's sexy; that's obvious. But it's not "just" her looks that made her so. Her demeanor, her accent, and her "bad girl" attitude made her sexier than she already was physically. She got a response from the crowd just about everytime she opened her mouth and that's saying something in general, especially for a Diva.

I assume there's an easy explanation for her release and I wouldn't be surprised if she asked for it. In fact, I'd be more surprised if she didn't and this was WWE's decision. In the end, she's replaceable, but it will be a little harder than one might think.

Did you read that last line, Miz?


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