Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 10-31-2011

Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella:

What I Liked:

Swagger, even though in a useless match, on Raw in action. I am a huge fan of Jack Swagger in the ring, and i am a realist that he needs to improve outside. He has the look, the power, the athleticism, and the charisma in the ring. All he needs is a different style of talking and way to get over with the crowd.

What I Disliked:

The match against a useless Santino. I would much rather see Mason Ryan get some exposure. Also, The Muppets drink to spit in the face and beat Swagger. Come on, this whole Muppet thing is played and just a ridiculous idea in general. It is a complete joke, and we know that. With three weeks away until Survivor Series, the writing and scripts need to improve and have meaining in each segment.

Zack Ryder vs. Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked:

They actually gave Zack Ryder a lot of offense in the match, especially in the beginning. I feel like they needed to show that he can hang with Ziggler and not get "help." The pacing, the intensity, and the combination of speed and agility was demonstrated between these guys. Giving Ryder the clean win was the right call, and the crowd loved it. The Broski Boot hit perfectly, and I enjoyed the knees to knock down Dolph as well.

What I Disliked:

Not much here really. There was not a major flaw or screw up in the match. Also, it further boosts the push of Ryder, and this could lead to a potential U.S. Championship reign.

Grade: A


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