Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 11-3-2011

 Robbie E and Rob Terry come out. They immediately call out Eric Young and Ronnie. E bashes Ronnie and Jersey Shore and says he could take him out anytime he wants to. Ronnie says why not now, and they brawl. Ronnie hits a spear, but EY and Ronnie get beaten up and whipped with a belt. They ask for a match next week.

You get what you get from TNA. They expose celebrities, but never get a huge pay off. Why not give mid card exposure and not lower card exposure. Young is awful. I cannot believe or stand him. Ronnie will make one or two more appearences, so what is the point?

Bully Ray and Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson

What I Liked:

Shockingly enough, they had good tag team work between both teams. Anderson and Hardy played the athletic and speed team, picking up the pace and never letting it continue to drag down. Jarrett and Ray continued to use their power and pound away meticulously on Hardy aand Anderson. I enjoyed seeing Hardy really get more in ring time here than last week.

What I Disliked:

The finish. I feel like a DQ is the cheap way out of a continued progression of a feud. Booking needs to give Hardy and Anderson a big win, build them as the favorites and let them tell the story. Jarrett and Ray will not look weak, and it looks like if they lose, they still have a single's match at Turning Point. They could still attack at the end of the match, laying them out and gaining more heat from the crowd.

Grade: C+

Matt Morgan calls out Crimson, and says all the fans want them to face off. Crimson says he wants to beat everyone, and Morgan should show up at Turning Point.

Not a bad beginnning of a feud, more of a friendship with competition. We all have that friend, and that is what it came off as.


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