DEBUT FEATURE: Wrestlezone Presents! – The Depth Chart

Sheamus7) Sheamus – WWE
Fan Vote: Robert Roode

At first the Celtic Warrior's turn was interesting, but it's quickly turned him into another cookie-cutter babyface. He's still great in the ring, and for now people are popping huge for the Great White, but he needs to do more promo work again and remind the fans why he's different than every other guy out there. Otherwise he's likely to stay in Orton's shadow on Smackdown forever… 

6) Robert Roode – TNA
         Fan vote: Sheamus

It seems Wrestlezone and our readers have a slightly different outlook on Robert Roode and Sheamus. Two guys who have both made impressive character turns recently, but we gave the edge to TNA's current World Champion for making a bigger impact (pun is definitely intended).

As former Wrestlezone writer Ken Napzok states: "Robert 'Bobby' Roode has gone from show stealing, tag team specialist to the big, bad heel champion in under a year. He started to look the part of a champion with a poignant and piercing 'I used to love you as a kid, Hulk Hogan' promo early in the year. Heads and ears turned and talk in and out of the huddle of giving Roode the ball soon followed. A few swerves and rushed TNA booking moves later and Roode now stands at the top of the Impact heap. Give him time, give him room to grow. This just might work."

5) Randy Orton – WWE
    Fan vote: Randy Orton

We agree again! Wrestlezone's Chris Cash will be happy to know that Randy Orton made it into the top five, not only on our list but on yours as well! As much as WWE likes to shove him in our face, I'm still a huge fan of the Viper. He's got most of Cena's drawing power, as much (if not more) pop from the fans, and he's about ten times more excited to watch in the ring. Yes he can be a bit mechanical, and at times it seems he's fading towards that "five moves of doom" category. But his work with Christian, CM Punk, and Cody Rhodes this year alone prove that Orton deserves to be near the top of the list, and the industry! 


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