WWE Survivor Series

Title This: WWE Survivor Series PPV Reaction

Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Eve for the Divas Championship in a LumberJill Match:

What I Liked:

Beth Phoenix looked very strong in this match, reversing moved and really carrying the pace of this match. Also, Eve did a decent job selling how powerful Beth is. The Glam Slam off the ropes was a nice touch, something different, and created a good spot for a Divas match.

What I Disliked:

What was the point of the LumberJills? I was looking for more of a brawl, a scuffle between all the divas. Natalya tries and helps Beth, which I disagree with. There is no need for Beth, as a heel, to need distractions to lose. Also, Eve and Beth had little build, little feuding throughout the weeks, as they focused more on getting Alicia Fox over, or even using useless Divas matches on Smackdown.

Grade: C

The Rock is backstage and cuts a great and exciting promo talking about his history in MSG. He does a nice transition from old Rock quotes to his new “Boots to Asses” and back to his money making lines. Really solid promo exciting the crowd, and making his match even more important in people’s eyes.


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