Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 11-25-2011

Cody Rhodes is backstage talking about how he threw water in the face of a commentator, not a former World Champion. He talks about Booker's face and his judgmental looks. Rhodes talks about how he is free from his mask, free from being held back. He says he can do anything he wants, and mocks Booker by saying he can "dig that, sucka."

Fatal Four Way Number 1 Contender's Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Randy Orton:

What I Liked:

From the very beginning, we get chaos. Barrett and Orton brawl like it is a heavyweight fight, while Bryan and Rhodes head to the outside to fight. There was an emphasis on highlighting all of the men in this match at separate times. I really loved the 4 men together at the same time, with so many strengths. One man's stength is another's weakness, and vice versa. We finally get to see Bryan fight Orton, something that has not been seen before. Rhodes and Barrett focus on Bryan, stomping away and grounding Bryan. The aggression, the timing was wonderful. Every move was spot on, and each guy carried a portion of the match. We get some nice spots, including one from the top rope. Bryan gets Rhodes to tap out.

What I Disliked:

I did not want to see Orton win, and Bryan is the other "face" option. He has the briefcase, so I really did not like the decision of him winning. It is very unrealistic thinking he will win without cashing in. It lack judgment and a sense of intelligence. Rhodes attacking was very good to see, but what was the point of Orton hitting an RKO? He lost too, didn't he? I hate how Orton becomes a heel and is friends with people now. That is not the character we grew to like. Prediction: Bryan loses to Henry, Show comes out to knock out Henry, and Bryan cashes in immediately after.

Grade: B+

Smackdown Grade: B

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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