What’s Bothering Me? (In Professional Wrestling)

#2. TNA's Entrance Music

There's no doubt in my mind that TNA has brought this up at some point in the past. Probably multiple times. They have enough experience and intelligence in the back to know how important entrance music is and can be in wrestling.

If that's true, why don't they do a better job at it?

Not ALL of their entrance music selections have been bad. I like Kurt Angle's theme. I even like Jeff Jarrett's. Stinger's is good as well. When they hit, you know who it is immediately. But that's not the norm in TNA. Most of their entrance themes are missing that impactful first rift that forces fans out of their seats when played.

Additionally, TNA's production quality seems to suffer at times and entrance music often gets lost in the other background noise. It's not loud and out front like it should be to ensure fans watching on TV get the same effect as those in attendance.

Shane Helms tweeted the other day that TNA needs to do a better job with their entrance music. It's true. A good entrance can make a huge difference in a superstar's overall appeal and marketability. Overall, TNA misses the mark in that department.


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