Stars In Progress…Ziggler, Miz, R-Truth and Daniel Bryan

Ted DiBiase

One Hairy Step Down

Yes, I'm making a corny reference to his mustache, but seriously, DiBiase needs to get rid of that thing. That is, if he wants to be taken seriously.

I have always seen more potential in Ted than a lot of fans. I want him to do well for some reason and honestly think he's capable of more. However, it's going to take a lot of work for him to reach the next level. That next level still isn't that high, but it would be a start.

After you've lost as consistently as Ted has lost in the past couple of years, it takes more than a few meaningless victories to make fans care about you. He can beat guys like Heath Slater a hundred weeks in a row and never gain an inch in the fans' eyes. Their reaction will still remain the same – nonexistent.

I always liked DiBiase's character during his time with Maryse. It got a little cheesy toward the end, but for the most part, it was a good mid-card role for Ted. He seemed comfortable, had a clear direction and at least a modicum of relevance each week.

That's all I want for Ted right now. Not superstardom or main event programs – just a solid program or two with a clear direction in character. A clean-shaven face wouldn't hurt either.