Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-1-2011

AJ Styles vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode:

What I Liked:

This match had everything, tag team work on the heel, confrontational aspects, and a big fight feel. They really invested time into this match, gave all three guys their respected time, and really showcased their talent in one match. It was a general focus to have Roode "overcome" two competitors to strengthen his championship reign, and he did that in the match. Hardy and Roode really do work well together, with good timing and execution. I also liked the insertion of Styles, as he rarely puts on a bad match. Sting finished the show off with the Hardy vs. Jarrett announcement in a cage with big stipulations. The creative writing did a good thing here, giving us two storylines in one.

What I Disliked:

I feel like there was not a weak spot or moment in the final match/segment. You have Roode need help to win, which I did not like personally, but makes sense. They are making sense with their writing, and the whole show proved it. There was not one big spot besides the packing of interviews in the first twenty minutes.

Grade: A

Impact Wrestling Grade: B

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