Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-8-2011

Opening Segment:

Sting calls out Bobby Roode and wants him to apologize to Dixie Carter about his behavior over the weeks. Dixie comes out, and Roode says he will apologize to her because that is the type of man he is. He calls her a daddy's girl, an incompetent person to run the company, and tells her everyone wants to jump on his train. He says he is the hottest thing going in wrestling. He proceeds to spit in her face and runs away as Sting chases him.

What I Liked:

I do like the improvement of Roode on the microphone as a heel. He has always had the look, but at times, he did not have the authority on the mic. He has that now. I also see this progressing over a few months, until we get a Sting vs. Roode or a Sting heel turn. That seems to be the only two scenarios that would happen. I also enjoyed the realism from Roode, saying things about Carter that we all know is true.

What I Disliked:

This is your typical champion vs. authority angle, and could become quickly repetitive. The only missing piece is Carter is not a good character on TV. She looks lost, out of place, and in a world of her own. I wish that someone else would be in her position, but at least it is not a "fake" authority figure. She cannot really have a payoff, can not sell much, and looks vulnerable and taken advantage of. She needs to strike back, hold her power over him, but that is never going to happen. That makes this angle harder than most.

Grade: B-

Samoa Joe vs. Abyss:

What I Liked:

The match itself was actually pretty solid from two big wrestlers. Joe was able to show his strength and athleticism in the match where he easily could have been limited. Abyss gets knocked each week by critics, but he is an above average worker who sells his strength in most matches. The ending was solid, and the power portrayed in this match felt like it was a real struggle between the two.

What I Disliked:

I am against having Bully Ray and Steiner involved in this match, as I feel it comes at an awkward time, and was not executed properly. Why do they need to have interference in many of the matches? I really wish they could have a clean finish, or even a controversial one between the actual competitors. Focus on the in ring story, and then let the outside feel natural, not forced.

Grade: B

In Ring Segment:

Devon and Pope come out to talk about being number one contenders for the Tag Titles. Morgan and Crimson come out, and Devon talks about beating the best tag teams. He states that him and Pope will bring their best. Pope stops Devon from leaving and begins to bash Morgan and Crimson. They all brawl.

What I Liked:

Having Pope and Devon as a tag team works for me. Two completely different characters with a few similarities meshes together very well. I also feel that Pope trash talking fuels the fire into the PPV. Morgan and Crimson both do a good job in the brawl to show their strength over their opponents.

What I Disliked:

Morgan and Crimson did not really talk, which I thought lacked the overall progression of the segment. It was all dominated by the opponents with no rebuttal. Also, get Devon's son out of there. He is useless.

Grade: C


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