Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-9-11

In Ring Segment:

The Big Show comes out to the ring, talks about how he beat Brock Lesnar 9 years ago, and says how it is time for him to become World Champion again. He states TLC as being the perfect time, and will close the door to the "Hall of Pain." Mark Henry comes out to talk to Show, and says he will not get in the ring due to his injury. He asks Show to keep his hands off, which he agrees. Henry says it will be a tough match, one people will talk about for years, and asks Show to put everything aside and asks for a handshake. He punches Show in the head, but Show comes back with elbows to his leg. He throws him to the outside, and beats him with chair shots to the back.

What I Liked:

A very solid segment between these two, as the oneupsmanship continues. Henry and Show are so similar, and it shows. This is a good thing, because they have put on two solid matches in the past, and a Chairs Match should help them culminate their feud. Henry and Show, to my surprise, have kept me interested for the entire time. Henry has evolved into a great champion, as Show continues to truck along his path of familiarity. The match needs to feel like a big fight match, slug fest for the championship. They really touted it here as being that, one of extreme importance.

What I Disliked:

Why have them hit each other with chairs here? I would have rather teased it, making us wait until one gets a shot. It will be interesting to see if they hit the other in the head. I really think one shot to the head would be a good ending, since we all know it is "illegal." This could stir the pot even more, and finish the feud on a hardcore note, with an open-ended finish.

Grade: A-

David Otunga vs. Sheamus:

What I Liked:

Sheamus gets a big pop, which shows his popularity on the show. He does not have a specific feud, which still bothers me. Otunga is a big enough guy to face Sheamus. Otunga got a little bit of offense, but Sheamus carried the match with his familiar arsenal of moves.

What I Disliked:

What was the point of this match? No history, no feud, and no meaning. This was just to keep Sheamus relevant for another week, without building a feud for him. What will he do at TLC? It looks like there is not a place for him on the card, which is a shame. Otunga also has no meaning or right to be in this match, as a loss only makes his character look weak and unimportant.

Grade: C


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