Title This: Slammy Awards Raw Reaction

"Superstar of the Year:" CM Punk:

-John Laurinitis comes out to accept the award for Punk. He continues the back and forth battle with Punk, which I actually liked right here. John was actually funny in this segment, even though he still cannot execute speaking two sentences without fail.

John Cena vs. Mark Henry: Kane Returns:

What I Liked:

The match itself was a long, drawn out battle. Slow paced, slugfest type chemistry. Cena and Henry look incredibly strong here, one with a big move, and the other counters it. Henry looked like he belonged in a match with Cena, giving him credibility. The return of Kane was the best part of the entire show. He looked resurrected, as I loved his first mask, then unveiling his new mask. The tights are classic yet redefined. The music, the pyro, the feel of it was perfect. Kane looked like circa 1998 with a few minor tweaks. He made an instant impact.

What I Disliked:

All I wonder is if Kane will feud with Cena. Will Cena lose to Kane? How will Cena look heading into WrestleMania 28 if he loses and gets dominated. But, if Kane loses, what is the point of his return? Both of these guys need to go on a length win streak heading into Miami.

Grade: A

Slammy Awards Raw Grade: B- (Some really good matches/segments mixed with some really bad ones)

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