Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-16-2011

Randy Orton and Zack Ryder vs. Wade Barrett and Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked:

This was a great contest from bell to bell. I absolutely enjoyed how Orton and Ziggler worked together in the match, the two best workers in the match. You also got to see the vulnerability of Ryder, something that has not been seen recently. He need to overcome adversity, and I feel they showcased that specific detail in the match. Barrett also looked solid, as his chemistry with Ryder and Orton flowed throughout. It was a breath of fresh air, not really sure who was actually going to win. Either way, the match was a great finish. This was also the right call finishing the show, giving us two of the mid card (sort of) feuds to see. Lastly, the 1-2-12 Promo fit perfectly, and I love how the announcer's do not say a word about it and continue the talk. 

What I Disliked:

Orton pinning Ziggler, as I felt Ryder should have done that to tease a potential title change. Orton and Barrett have been getting top bill on Smackdown, and Orton is Orton. He does not need the pinfall.

Grade: A

Smackdown Grade: B+

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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