Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 12-16-2011

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment:

Josh Matthews interviews Booker T about his match against Cody Rhodes on Sunday at TLC. He says he is ready, but this is all about Cody Rhodes and his ego. Booker says he will beat him down. He says Cody needs a legitamizer. Cody comes out, interrupts Booker and says that it is about reality. He says it is a nice story, but the end won't be. He tells Booker to get out of his ring, as he faces Bryan next. Booker will not get his match if he interferes.

What I Liked:

A high profile match at TLC, as we get a feud that deserved to start off Smackdown. I really liked the difference in personalities between the two guys. Booker looks in great shape, and I loved how realistic Cody felt on the microphone.

What I Disliked:

Booker T doing a fake twitch annoyed me. Act appropriately, and that just looked ridiculous. Other than they, the feud progressed and gave us some intrigue for the rest of the night.

Grade: B+

Cody Rhodes vs. Daniel Bryan:

What I Liked:

A great match to start off the in ring portion of the show. Cody and Bryan worked very well together, meshing together a flurry of offense and defense from both guys. Bryan and Rhodes feed off of the other's veteran leadership from move to move. They are spot on with counters, and Rhodes winning was a perfect finish. I also enjoy the kick Rhodes executed on Bryan. Bryan is more aggressive looking, but Rhodes is more of a complex perfomer currently.

What I Disliked:

A solid match, but I did feel Booker T needed to do something after the match. The stare down was just okay to me, and Booker should have tried to chase him away, giving us more of a tease.

Grade: A-

Alicia Foxx vs. Natalya:

What I Liked:

Foxx looks very athletic in the ring, and is a Diva that could potentially be very successful. You see who the veteran is in Natalya, carrying the match from beginning to end. Natalya is powerful and smart, but loses here.

What I Disliked:

Why does this match only get a few minutes? Where is the complexity and story in the ring? I do not know where this feud is going, or what kind of steam it can actually have. Foxx missed her spot after the match, hitting Natayla in the head instead of the chest with her leg drop. I just do not like the decision, as Foxx is still very fresh to the crowd and should not have the full victory that quickly. It devalues Natalya's ability.

Grade: D

Jack Swagger and Mark Henry are backstage. Henry and Swagger talk about Big Show, and Swagger says he will be the World Heavyweight Champion in due time.


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