Stars in Progress: WWE TLC, The Jarretts, Batista & More

Karen & Jeff Jarrett Fired
One Step Up, One Step Down

Jeff JarrettFirst and foremost, I have actually come to enjoy both characters on TV. I'll get ragged for it, but I couldn't care less. Jeff Jarrett has been where he "should" be for a while now and as such, he's been a contributing and positive asset for the company.

I think most wrestling fans dislike Karen because of what they feel were personal indiscretions on her part against Kurt. If you have to pick sides in that battle, wrestling fans will choose Kurt every time. Therefore, she takes the heat. The majority of the IWC describes it as "X-Pac heat". I disagree. I think she was a great heel to play off of for the babyface Knockouts.

New reports say Karen was "fired" because she has an operation coming up. I think the Knockouts division will suffer as a result. But who really cares, right?

I liked Jeff as well, but I still consider his firing a step up for him. Hate him all you want, but from everything I hear, he truly has a good mind for the business. The India project will gain more from him being a part of it than Impact Wrestling will lose with his departure.


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