Will Kane Keep Cena Babyface?

KaneI loved Kane’s promo to end Raw. He was like Tony Robbins, but with a negative attitude. Good delivery. Menacing. Powerful.

I’m just not sure what the point was.

Some speculate that it's part of turning John Cena heel.

I don’t see it.

Cena is WWE’s No. 1 full-time superstar. He’s not going to be under Kane’s spell, or serve as Kane’s bobo. (Then again, when Kevin Sullvan “hypnotized” Mike Davis into believing he was Dusty Rhodes, that was AWESOME. Remember that? Of course you don’t. You were all 4.)

It also seems a bit superficial to believe that Kane coercing the marks into parroting “CENA SUCKS!” is going to push Cena over the edge. Cena’s been hearing that for months. Besides, the chant Kane inveigled was weak.

Cena could go heel, easily. But Kane’s not the guy to help him do it.


Cena’s babyface persona has suffered at the hands of cool heels and especially at the hands of babyfaces who have, for their own benefit, pointed out what isn’t cool about Cena, particularly his popularity with kids, and used it as a basis of ridicule. (Only in wrestling would a company be STUPID enough to, during a PG-13 period, make their top PG-13 performer look STUPID because he’s, well…PG-13.)

Next to C.M. Punk, Cena isn’t cool.

Next to The Rock, Cena isn’t cool.

But, next to Kane…

Perhaps Kane’s involvement with Cena won’t be an alliance. Perhaps WWE is using Kane, a traditional monster heel, to reaffirm Cena as a babyface. It was clear, during the confrontation on Raw, that Cena was the babyface and Kane was the heel. Kane isn’t cool, a rock star, or a slick talker.

Perhaps Kane-Cena on Raw was Wrestling 101. No need to look deeper.

If so, good move. WWE needs Cena as a babyface, but they need that to be more clear-cut. They need a top babyface. They need those merchandise sales. (Those CENA SUCKS T-shirts will be collector’s items some day.) Kane can stabilize what WWE wants Cena to be.

Then again, they got Cena-Rock at ‘Mania. Can that be face vs. face?

For a one-time match, yes. Long-term, WWE needs Cena to be a babyface. The Rock is the attraction at ‘Mania. Cena must deliver after.

By the way, WWE’s Twitter-mania reached a boiling point when Dolph Ziggler put #heel on his tights. Let’s break kayfabe while emphasizing our perceived importance of something that’s actually meaningless. #IDIOTS

1.2.12. Less than a week away. Are you ready to see the Disco Inferno dance? #boogiefever #burnbabyburn #mondaynitrofever


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