Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction For 12/30

Sheamus def. Heath Slater:

What I Liked:

The match was pretty decent. Slater is a great seller of moves, really putting over the guys who continue to beat him on a weekly basis. He had limited offense, with Sheamus doing his usual offensive control. The Brogue Kick connected perfectly, and Sheamus continues to be relevant with no feud.

What I Disliked:

Hornswoggle needs to get away from Sheamus. He is a storyline killer, a push flattener, a guy who does nothing but harm top tier guys from continuing to grow. He is a comedy act, and Sheamus is too good to be involved with him. I would rather Sheamus not talk at all and just wrestle, because that is what got him to be so popular.

Grade: B-

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett in a Street Fight:

What I Liked:

This seems to be the end of a solid feud, with Orton on the shelf for the next 5-6 months. Wade and Randy are really good with one another, chemistry is spot on, and both have the right amount of aggression to feed off of the other. Most of the action went in the ring, which gave us our traditional wrestling styles, but they mixed it up with the street fight feel when going to the outside and in the back. It ends when the camera finds Orton on the bottom of the stairs with Barrett running.

What I Disliked:

The camera revealing Orton down and Barrett running was probably the only thing they could do. The smart fan knows that Orton was injured before, but I felt it was kind of a cheap way out. I would rather "see" what happened, even if it was a fabrication. This feud will pick back up, hopefully in the summer where Wade is the World Heavyweight Championship. That would be the best long term plan for Smackdown currently. Orton's spotlight is open… so I want to know who YOU think should get that spotlight on Smackdown.

Grade: A-

Smackdown Grade: C+

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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