Title This: WWE Raw Reaction For 1/2/12

John Laurinaitis is backstage texting and The Miz wants to know what he is going to do about R Truth. Miz says he is a sitting duck, and Laurinaitis says its better than a lame duck. We see Miz leave, and R Truth comes around the corner stalking Miz. He quacks like a duck to the camera. I wish they would let R Truth look more like a viable contender and main eventer over a comedy act. I get he is whacked but the quacking was so stupid, and if they had him look at Miz and look at the camera, that should be a perfect end. Continue the stalking.

Wade Barrett def. Santino Marella:

What I Liked:

Wade deserves a match every single show, because it will further his pursuit to the World Heavyweight Championship. He has the look, the size, and the ability in the ring to be a very solid champion. He makes quick work of Santino, hitting a boot and Wind of Change for the win. He made quick work of a comedy match.

What I Disliked:

I would rather see Barrett win against someone who has talent and believability in the ring, as Santino is just a joke. He is funny at times, but that is all he has. Also, Barrett could use a match against Sheamus to give them both meaning in matches, even if they exchange victories for weeks. Both can get pushed heavily in this feud.

Grade: C-

Miz vs. Sheamus:

What I Liked:

I really enjoyed the intensity of Miz immediately. He is a guy who said he wanted to run through the guys on Raw like he did to Truth and Morrison, so he needs to show this side of him to evolve his character. I thought pairing him up with Sheamus was dangerous, but effective with the no contest due to Truth. I still do not know if Truth will be a long term popular face, as he never has before. I would rather see Miz as the face in this feud because he can pull it off easier due to his crowd reaction every single night.

What I Disliked:

My gripe every week is Sheamus without a feud, and it continues. Again, a complete wasted segment for Sheamus and would be better fitted against Barrett. I also feel that they should have had an actual match, give us some ring work between two guys who can work, and then have Truth come out and interfere, costing Miz the match. Make it a little more progressive instead of at a stand still.

Grade: C

Dolph Ziggler is interviewed backstage, shows off, and talks about his match against Punk.

Zack Ryder gets interrupted by Jack Swagger, who says he will take his title and his girlfriend, which Eve was next to him. Good, quick, and effective I thought.


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