Title This: WWE Raw Reaction For 1/2/12

Dolph Ziggler def CM Punk Via Count out in the WWE Championship Match:

What I Liked:

Arguably the best match in quite some time on Raw. Punk and Ziggler just know how to work together, and with others. The chemistry and timing of each move from the next is perfect. Punk uses more of his lower body strength, such as his legs, and Ziggler is more of a ground and pound into an explosive move guy. Ziggler throwing Punk to the middle rope is something nobody else does, so it makes his moves that much different. Also, there is an effective usage of Laurinaitis once again almost costing Punk the championship, but did not make him look weak.

What I Disliked:

A little too much focus on Punk vs. Laurinaitis and not against Ziggler at the end. Yes, Dolph celebrated, but I wanted to see more of the spotlight on him and now the pissed off Punk.

Grade: A+

The Bella Twins def. Eve and Kelly Kelly:

What I Liked:

Eve connects with a great move off the top rope, showcasing her athleticism. I did not mind this match, as it had a few nice spots to it, including a little offense from the Bella Twins.

What I Disliked:

Another show that does not focus on Beth Phoenix… which I do not understand. Isn't she the champion? Did I miss something? Plain and simple, build the best, and let the rest filter in periodically.

Grade: C+

John Laurinaitis books Ziggler vs. Punk at Royal Rumble for the WWE Championship. Punk gets line of the night, saying he will call animal cruelty if Laurinaitis costs him the title, because he will beat him like a bitch.


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