Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Genesis Preview & Predictions

X-Division Championship – Aires vs. Kash vs. Sorensen vs. Ion

I wonder how many different ways can I say “this should be a great match, but I have no real emotional interest in any of the characters presented.” If you think of any clever ways to recycle that phrase, let me know, because after several months of saying it I’m running out of material. Prediction: Aires retains. Possibly the return of Alex Shelley at the end.

World Tag Team Championship – Morgan & Crimson vs. Magnus & Joe

I really enjoyed the Wildcard Tournament, as I already stated on the front page of this editorial. Not all of the teams were believable, but most were an entertaining way to pass the last month of Impact. Magnus and Joe (or as I’ve been calling them, the JoeNus Brothers) have decent chemistry, and if creative chose to keep them together I would have no real beef. I don’t think Morgan and Crimson are done with each other quite yet, however, so it’ll be interesting to see if JoeNus can handle a loss and stay together, if that is what ends up happening. Prediction: Morgan & Crimson retain.

Kurt Angle vs. “Cowboy” James Storm

These two have put on a great feud and had some good matches along the way. It’s still a bit frustrating that TNA is saving the Storm/Roode feud, while we all sit at home completely aware that it’s hanging like a cloud over the main event picture. Especially now that Storm and Angle are about to enter into their third PPV match! I’m not complaining too hard, because I’ve liked their chemistry as opponents, and I think Angle has managed to get Storm over in a huge way. What I’m not so sure about, is the outcome of this match. If Angle wins, does Storm lose all that momentum? Does Angle need the win here? But if he loses, that’s three straight! Maybe he doesn’t need the win, but can he afford the loss? I guess there’s a bigger question to be asked though: does it really matter? Prediction: James Storm wins.

World Heavyweight Championship –

Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy

I’ve said in recent weeks how much I’ve liked Hardy’s slow climb back to the top of TNA Wrestling. I often complain about wrestling companies mixing in reality with what we see on the screen, but TNA has been doing it really well in the last year or so. First with the Jarrett/Angle drama, which was detestable but awesome at the same time, and now with the humble rebirth of Hardy. I’m suddenly ok with him being in the title picture — as long as he doesn’t win! For Roode to lose the belt now would be a huge step back, and a very unnecessary victory for Hardy. I wouldn’t mind seeing him as the champion later in the year, but not in the midst of trying to build up a huge heel in Bobby Roode. Keep it simple stupid. Prediction: Roode retains. A new challenger approaches. 

It’s a little weird that AJ Styles isn’t on the card, nor is Mr. Anderson for the second month in a row. But I have moderately high hopes for this particular TNA PPV. The match card seems solid – not too many gimmicks, and just the right blend of all the different divisions. Make sure you follow along with @MikeKillam on Twitter for tonight’s event, and tune back in to tomorrow for my TNA Genesis Review!