Perez Hilton

What’s Bothering Me?: Perez Hilton, HOF, WM Locations, More

#3. Fan Reaction To Perez Hilton

It doesn’t bother me that he’s going to be there. Wrestling fans are used to celebrity guests being included in our wrestling programming. At least, you should be. Last year was inundated with them as Vince actually made a gimmick out of it on Raw.

If that’s the case, why are fans of the IWC so bothered by Perez Hilton’s upcoming appearance on Raw this Monday? I honestly have no clue.

He’s being advertised as a guest referee during a Diva’s match. If WWE were doing anything useful with the Diva’s, you might have a legitimate gripe. They’re not so you don’t. Be happy they aren’t using him in the Cena/Kane angle.

According to, is the 383rd ranked site in the United States. They’re global rank is just over the 1k mark. That’s of ALL the sites online! The site has over 20,000 other sites linking in to it. Impressive. And it’s the ONLY reason Vince is doing it.

I get it. You should too. And simply be glad that his involvement this Monday will be grouped in with the segment that is already the “bathroom break” portion of the show.


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