Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-20-12


Epico and Primo def. The Usos' in a Tornado Tag Team Match:

What I Liked:

Nice to see them utilizing the Tornado aspect of this match, giving us fast paced and solid visions of what a good tag team division the WWE could have if they focused more on it. Epico and Primo are your born and bred tag team, works well together in all aspects, and I feel like the Uso's are a few steps behind them. The running corner slams from The Uso's were a nice touch to transition into their downfall. Give them some quick offense and let them gain momentum.

What I Disliked:

 I felt like the match deserved more time, which is what I write every week about the tag team matches on WWE TV. Also, Primo's quick pinfall kind of shows a sort of weakness, "sneaking" a win and stealing it away from The Uso's. They are the champions, they need built up more and more. Give them meaningful and legit wins each week so other tag teams need to "up" their game. It makes for more interesting television.

Grade: B-

Backstage, Sheamus spins and gets a Tables Match vs. Wade Barrett. In the ring, we get a Dance Off.

Brodus Clay def. Vickie Guerrero in a Dance Off:

What I Liked:

I am trying to keep an open mind here. The dancing from Clay and Vickie was funny but that is about it. I found it interesting to see William Regel in this segment, basically invisible for months on Smackdown or Raw. I always enjoy seeing Regal in any capacity. A good character guy who knows the business.

What I Disliked:

 So…. the point of this segment is what? Just for us to be shoved with Brodus Clay crap in our mouths? I will give him a chance if they give me a reason to. He has a catchy song, people are interesting in him for some reason, and he is a big guy. He has tools to be something, but once again, I will not really be interested until they give me a reason, AKA a feud or something meaningful.

Grade: D


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