What’s Bothering Me?: HOF, Y2J/Undertaker, Rumble Winner

What's Bothering You?

Follow me on Twitter @RealityofChris and tweet me each week to contribute to this column.

@Supersidhom says…"JINDER MAHAL GETTING TIME ON RAW AND SMACKDOWN! (sorry about the caps but he brought down 4 hours of solid wrestling)"

CC Response: I'm with ya, man. Jinder Mahal is killing me each and every week…and not softly, with his song. I will admit that I feel sorry for him a bit. WWE often uses these stereotypical and racial gimmicks and it gets harder each time for the individual to pull it off. Fans just don't relate and as a result, don't care either.

@AzanSaigol says…"Rosa Mendes managing Epico and Primo."

CC Response: Um, so Rosa Mendes is bothering you? Or the fact that she's managing those two and not…doing Playboy or something?

@RaphMarinello says…"Soppy Big Show vs DB feud…its an entertainment spectacle, not a full blown soap opera."

CC Response: Disagree – I've actually enjoyed the soap operatic (grammatically correct? I think so!) element to the Daniel Bryan/Big Show feud. If they stay where they are with it and don't take it much further, I'm fine with it. Sympathy for Show and gives Bryan ammunition to use against him. I think both men have played their roles well and it's helped give fans a reason to care.


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