Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 2-10-12

In Ring Segment:

Michael Cole interviews AJ. He interrupts her before she starts speaking. He begins to bash her and why she was at ringside last week. Cole goes full heel on her, says nobody cares about her, and that Bryan will lose at E.C. and they will both be a footnote. AJ fires back and calls him a jerk. He says he gets paid to do his job and be himself. Daniel Bryan comes out to confront Cole, says he will not be a footnote and prove everybody wrong. He says he is taking AJ home because she is not safe, talks about his vegan lifestyle, and leaves. Teddy Long says AJ will get a ride home, and Bryan cannot leave. If he leaves, Bryan will lose his World Heavyweight Championship.

What I Liked:

Daniel Bryan gains more and more heat each week. Many people are comparing the way he is getting heat with his vegan lifestyle to Punk and his straight edge life. I guess you can draw parallels, but Bryan is using different tactics. He comes out to confront a heel and still gains heat. Bryan needs to speak each week to get himself over, as I still am not 100 percent sold on him main eventing WrestleMania as a champion. Let him thrive, but instead of feuding with Cole, he should target the popular guys.

What I Disliked:

Heel facing heel here. Does it really ever work? Why not have Bryan be interviewed by someone the crowd loves? Bring Booker ( I know, I know) in the ring to have him talk to AJ and make it more of heat on her and Bryan. I just feel like Cole is a more polarizing heel than Bryan. ANYBODY will get cheered over Cole.

Grade: B-

Ted DiBiase def. Hunico:

What I Liked:

Aggression is something we have not seen in DiBiase. We got it here. The physicality he showed over Hunico was refreshing. He is a guy who can be a top face with the right direction and the right path to trek. The victory here should be the end of this lower card feud, propel DiBiase into something more meaningful. Does he move back to Cody Rhodes? I wonder if he has any WrestleMania plans. Question of the article, do you want to see DiBiase pushed right now?

What I Disliked:

Having Hunico in a match with nothing for him to gain buries his relevance. I beat a dead horse, but bring back the Cruiserweight Division. It could benefit and help booking for a lot of the younger and smaller superstars. I like what he does in the ring, but he cannot really be taken seriously. He can maybe form a tag team, but that is it right now.

Grade: B-


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