Stars In Progress…Brodus Clay, CM Punk, Big Show & More

Big Show
One Step Up

Big ShowI credit Daniel Bryan a ton for Big Show's recent success, but this past Friday on Smackdown showed me something a little different. It looks like WWE might be leaning toward Show turning heel sometime soon.

I don't know for a fact that Big Show turning is in the plans, but it would make sense if it is. If a program between Show and Shaq ends up taking place at WrestleMania, WWE would likely want Show as the heel for that.

Smackdown this week showed Big Show in a new light. Cole put it over as Daniel Bryan causing Show to act different because he was in Show's head. It's an effective continuation of what's been an effective program already. Show's newfound aggression suits him.

How I'd like to to end, eventually? Show sides with D. Bryan in a bodyguard role.


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