Title This: 2012 WWE Elimination Chamber Reaction

Daniel BryanDaniel Bryan retains the World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber Match:

What I Liked:

The Big Show was really good in this match. From breaking the chain to enter the top of the pod attacking Bryan to tossing him through the pod's glass, Show worked very well throughout the match. He was aggressive and I felt like he did not care who attacked him. He had that killer instinct throughout and that proved to be really solid ring work. Cody Rhodes eliminating was great, as he was able to brag and cheer, even if only for a few seconds. I loved the Beautiful Disaster on Show, as the fans liked it too. He is a great athlete who has enough size and strength to main event sometime soon. I felt Wade Barrett shined in this match for many reasons. He showed his endurance to carry a match with different sized opponents. He also worked a long time in the match, able to showcase how his ring skills are very good, including his technical work. Great Khali did the usual schtick. Few chops, and thank God he was eliminated quickly. Bryan used his intelligence and cowardly qualities to be relevant in the match, even if he was not in combat. Even though I do not think he should main event WM in the World Heavyweight Championship Match, I do feel like he has gotten better and better from where he was. He is able to turn the crowd against him, yet repsect him for his abilities in the ring. Santino was a bright spot as well. Love him or hate him, he got the crowd excited. He got a loud pop in the match, and he took bumps to make everyone else look really good. Santino as the final elimination…I do not know if I loved it, but it made the crowd go crazy right when he hit with the Cobra. He is comedy act that people love. He gets over because of his personality, but he does have a few moves in the ring.

What I Disliked:

Sheamus should have waited off until tonight. I know you want him to be seen, but does it really matter? Let the live Raw show have him pick between Punk and Bryan. They should have teased it for tonight to start off Raw. Also, the match itself started off slow and dragged for a good ten minutes. It did pick up and the spots from Show helped, but I wonder now what the other 5 guys are going to do? Where does Rhodes go from here, and what can Wade Barrett do now? There are a lot of questions, and this match only answered one question. Daniel Bryan heads to WrestleMania 28. This match just lacked star power. They did not have that "one" name that could carry the match with his popularity.

Grade: B

Jack Swagger def. Justin Gabriel

What I Liked:

Swagger was seen on this PPV. That is all to take out of this match,

What I Disliked:

So you couldn't take 5 minutes on 2 separate Raw's to get Swagger a legit opponent? This made no sense, especialy since they are on separate shows. It also shows the lack of opponents for Swagger to face if he would have a match at Wrestlemania….That is why Money in the Bank needs to be apart of the event. Let that be known quickly. It was an irrelavent match that had nothing to help anybody involved.

Grade: D-


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