Title This: 2012 WWE Elimination Chamber Reaction

CM PunkCM Punk retains the WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber Match:

What I Liked:

I wil break down what I liked from each superstar, as I found positives in all. Kofi Kingston shined in this match for me. What a great talent who took some serious bumps just to make everyone else look good. He is a very unselfish superstar who continues to impress me on many levels. He was able to garner some offense as well, but I felt like his best usage was selling moves he took when landing on the steel. Kofi's athleticism is second to none and showed it here. Dolph Ziggler was great at using his unique offensive skills to get over in a quick fashion. He was great as soon as he was released into the match, especially when attacking Punk. Those two never bore me when fighting. He also was so cocky and arrogant where it just added to the crowd actually getting behind him for a few minutes. If he did not have Vickie, everyone would begin to like him. Miz showed a lot of aggression in the match, especially when he was yelling at Punk. This is the character he needs to portray each week, not a guy who whines and complains. Let him evolve from this, give him some meaning to his next feud. Jericho did JUST enough to tease him vs. Punk, as I felt his time in the Chamber was used appropriately. He has a few nice moves since coming back to the WWE, and we saw them. Punk did a great job carrying the match from beginning to end. His use of attack mode of all competitors, from Kofi to Dolph, worked. He was in survival mode, and I enjoyed how he connected throughout with the crowd after every offensive move.

What I Disliked:

R Truth did nothing for me in this match. Eliminated quickly, Truth proved that he still in not on the level of the other 5 guys. He can be entertaining, but his skills are limited in what he can do. I felt the match lacked that 1 powerful superstar. It was filled with great athletes, but I felt it could have benefitted if someone like Swagger or a more powerful guy who relies on his strength was involved. This would be just a little change that could have helped. The spots were solid, but none that made my jaw drop. Also, we knew a title change would not happen since it was the first match. They rarely do that. It's been done once before, so the odds said Punk would win.

Grade: B+


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