WWE Elimination Chamber

A British Point of View: The Good, The Bad and The Ok

Sunday was the Elimination Chamber. First off, I went in to this PPV saying that there was absolutely NO CHANCE of John Cena turning heel unless the ambulance match was the main event. With that not being a possibility in my mind I sat down to watch the PPV with a few friends only to realize that this could be a distinct possibility! The WWE Championship was first, Smackdown’s Chamber was second to last and the Ambulance match was the main event… typical.

I thought the PPV had some good and bad spots but after the Jericho’s blunder on the Rumble and its fairly flat ending I was convinced that WWE had some sort of surprise for us this month. When the ambulance match was announced as the main event I was sure that something was going to happen… And what did we get? Cena pointing to the WrestleMania logo! Really?

The Elimination Chamber ended with possibly the flattest ending to a PPV I can remember in recent years. The event would have been fine if Cena didn’t close the show and the Smackdown Chamber match had instead. But WWE seemingly teased us again with the possibility of something bigger happening that never actually took place.

The two Chamber matches were great. Some good spots but the ones that sent a shivers up my spine was the pod doors being slammed on Punk and Daniel Bryan. Especially Bryan, seeing as it was his neck. The camera work and angle shot in this made it look as intense as possible and I’ve got to give it thumbs up.

One other point from the Chamber which I felt was interesting was my two friend’s reactions to John Cena. Now both these friends HATE John Cena for what he has become in the past few years BUT in the past couple of months have started to side with him as he has become a more in depth character on TV. When the match was announced a year ago that John Cena and The Rock would be facing each other at WrestleMania they screamed that Rock needs to whoop that Candy Ass! Whereas time has gone on, they have started to support Cena when he calls out Rock for not being there for the fans.

These videos which WWE have started to air has shown John Cena in a new light and when compared to The Rock’s, most people have started to show sympathy with Cena. However, I made one comment to my friends which seemed to change their opinions on the matter. During these wonderful 5 minute long videos of John Cena signing autographs for kids, giving hugs and training with FCW talent, where does it show his ACTUAL wrestling? Granted, it doesn’t show any in The Rock’s either but the main focus of these videos is something that creates a love for a man for something he does outside the ring. Whereas I care about what he can do IN the ring. I know Rock can bring it in the ring, but I still question Cena’s abilities. I don’t doubt he can tell us a story between the ropes but I do question his drive to become a professional WRESTLER. After explaining this and watching the total flattening of Kane both guys turned round and said, oh well, same old Cena, hope Rock whoops him now.

This is only something small and basic but I think Cena needs to improve his ring game to the same level as the public appearances and the promo work which we all know he can deliver.

Anyway, something more positive! RAW! The show had some great moments, one being the announcement of the Hell in a Cell match between The Undertaker and Triple H. I felt like a 14 year old boy getting a slight shiver down my back when I heard those words, similar to the time when Vince McMahon screamed it in Triple H’s face back in the attitude era. Not just because it will be a classic encounter but because I will be there to see it in person.

We can all argue whether this match needs to take place but the promo work in the past few weeks has been brilliant and the inclusion of a match being used to enhance a story, rather than just being a gimmick for a pay per view has made everyone question what they will do come WrestleMania. Will they be given free rein to do what they want in the cell? How will they erect the Cell in an open stadium? All these questions will be answered in due time.

A couple of other spots from the live shows were when John Cena mouthed in to the camera “I’m Back!” when dealing with the newly turned Eve. Again I hope this means we continue to get a new spin on Cena’s character as we move forward in to WrestleMania.

Jack Swagger doing push ups and kissing the US title every time just works. It’s such an easy arrogant heel move that cracks me up. It’s only a small thing to notice but it’s the small things that count!

John Laurinaitis copying the Teddy Long dance also nearly gave me a heart attack. John can seemingly do no wrong at the moment, and when he does, it’s hilarious! The man needs to be in charge of both shows in my opinion. With the current back and forth between him and Teddy going in to WrestleMania I am concerned though that we will be thrown a massive tag team match where both GM’s will pick members of their team. If this is a way that WWE wants to put the remaining talent on to the card, I’d rather them do it in a Money in the Bank ladder match or something that avoids the tag team option.

So it’s been a little odd this week where the TV shows have seemingly been of better direction than the PPV but everything seems to be falling in place for WrestleMania this year, a fantastic card and so far a good build. With the Rock returning to RAW this Monday, I’m sure were in for a memorable show.

Are you looking forward to WrestleMania? Did Triple H and Undertaker take your interest now it’s a Hell in a Cell match? Do you think MITB should be included in to the PPV? Let me know your thoughts on Twitter at @BeansOnToastUK or email me at beansontoastuk@msn.com.


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