WrestleZone’s Top 10: What NEEDS to Happen on Raw Tonight

Number 6: The Battle at the Top

Vince McMahon

What better way to solve the issue of GM of the WWE than having Vince McMahon make an appearance? He can get that pop, that feel of something important will happen. Have him make the match tonight of Team Long vs. Team Laurinaitis. I would love to see the team building each week, both guys scouting and trying to convince wrestlers to join their side. It is like a free agency pool, where they can take whoever, scout whoever, and have no rules. This could really turn into a fun and exciting storyline. We see bargaining tactics, team building, and can also see Laurinaitis and Long face off with more than just words. I do not want to see them fight at Mania, we had our Lawler/Cole moment last year. Make meaning for guys who may have been left off the card. But bring back Vince to give it more meaning.


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