Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-27

Dolph ZigglerPrimo and Epico def. Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston/R Truth to Retain the WWE Tag Team Championship

What I Liked:

A fast paced, action packed  match that showcased some of the best athletes the WWE currently has. I really enjoyed the action in the ring, especially the hot tag to Kofi. I feel like he has so much energy that the crowd and his opponents feed off of it. R Truth did a great job hitting a double DDT onto his opponents and gaining the upper hand. Primo and Epico snuck out a victory, which is what they seem to be doing each week. I did not mind this victory, but it will get old if they do not establish themselves as viable champions.

What I Disliked:

This would have been the perfect time to have Primo and Epico drop the titles. They are not getting over, have not done any mic work, and the crowd could care less about them. Give it to Dolph and Jack, have them bring something back to the titles just to make them popular with the WWE Universe. I would have enjoyed a Dolph/Jack vs. Kofi/Truth match at Mania, especially if there is no MITB. They need to find a way to put them on the card, and not have 1 or 2 weeks to build a lackluster angle heading into the Grandest Stage of Them All.

Grade: C+

Eve comes out and cuts a  heel promo. She talks about everyone hating her and she could care less. She says it is not her fault that men crumble to her feet, and that they should feel honored to be used by her. Solid work, even though it took up much needed time for someone else to use.

Sheamus and The Big Show def. Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

What is there to really take out of this, besides the continued embarassment of Big Show. We will see Show/Rhodes, which I am not really a big fan of. It will be hard for either guy to shine, and could be five minutes of waste. Unfortunately, both guys deserve more.

What I Disliked:

This would be a perfect time for Bryan to exact revenge on Sheamus. Why is he not in EVERY segment with his opponent? Maybe because Orton will be inserted in the match after Smackdown and all three guys will have a month to feud. I will bank on that idea, also trying to have Bryan pawn off Sheamus onto Orton and vice versa. It will be interesting to see where they go with Orton, as he is healthy and will DEFINITELY have a meaningful match at 28.

Grade: D


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