Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-27

WWE RawOpening Segment:

CM Punk comes out to the ring for his match against Daniel Bryan. Chris Jericho comes out instead. He talks about being the last of a dying breed, a guy who traveled the world and become famous because of himself and not the WWE. He talks about being the best in the world at everything he does. Punk says he is not the first to call himself the best, referring to Bret Hart. Jericho says he is on another level. Punk fires back saying that he surpassed Jericho and he knows it. Punk also states that Jericho knows he was never "the guy" like Punk is now. Jericho complains about how he is being ripped off by Punk and that he will prove he is the best at WrestleMania.

What I Liked:

Fantastic speaking from both guys who are able to work the crowd and articulate their words. They both have fantastic delivery, pace, and emotion in their voices in separate ways. I really loved that the beginning of this big show featured Jericho and Punk. They need to continue this, get involved more physically in a few weeks, and begin to really tell their similiarities to the crowd who may not know them. They are very similar in career paths and style of wrestling, which is why their match is going to be an instant classic.

What I Disliked:

The whole segment took 20 minutes, about 6 minutes too long for my taste. You could have wrapped it up much quicker and told their points in a faster pace. I just felt like they kept repeating the same things and going in circles without any real stopping point. Sometimes, less is more.

Grade: B+

Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk ends in No Contest:

What I Liked:

Another solid match from these two guys, who are able to work so great with one another in the ring. They both know where the other one is going to be. I loved the fact that Bryan did get some solid offensive time in the match, able to ground Punk and utilize what he does best without looking like the weaker of the two. I also liked how Long and Laurinaitis were at ringside watching on. It gives a little more importance to the match without having to do much else. When Jericho attacked, I loved it. He finally gets a cheap shot onto Punk, and the Walls of Jericho looked really good on top of the stage.

What I Disliked:

What is the point of this match again? We all knew how the ending would happen, even though I liked when Long and John got physical and really looked pissed off. Good acting between the two men. I felt like Santino and Otunga were a little out of place when watching Punk and Bryan go, but I understand why they were there. I want to see more progression in Otunga's character. Let him talk more with emphasis on building his character and his love for Laurinaitis. It will be a win-win for all parties involved.

Grade: B

Kelly Kelly def. Nikki Bella:

What I Liked:

Quick and aggressive offense from Kelly Kelly in this short match.

What I Disliked:

Absolutely no point to this match. No Divas Champion seen, no story building, and nothing relevant to WrestleMania only 34 days away. A complete mistake in booking. Let this air on WWE Superstars. Build your mid card matches instead, common sense would tell the writers that.

Grade: F


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