What’s Bothering Me: Sid No-Shows, Silly Records, Women

#2. The Women!

Maryse said in a recent interview that WWE Diva's are not allowed enough time anymore to get over. The audience is not able to relate to their characters as a result. She's right. And I finally figured it was time to broach this subject.

I've avoided talking about the Women's Division in either company for the most part. Plenty of you write in or tweet me about the way they are mishandled. It's not that I disagree, it's just that I've never really cared one way or the other. I'm a guy, most of them are hot, so I'm satisfied. The end.

However, let me state the following: I am NOT one that believes women have no place in pro wrestling. Nor am I one that believes the only place they DO have is serving the boys in the back. While their beauty is the only part that matters to me, I think there's enough proof to show that they are more valuable than that.

TNA is the best example to use because, at one point, they actually did maximize the potential of their Knockout's Division. The women were consistently drawing better ratings than their male counterparts. I still attribute that success to one person: Scott D'Amore.

Women and wrestling can mix. They can mix better than they do now in both WWE and TNA. Much better. But as Maryse stated — in order to do that, they have to be given more time. Most importantly, they have to be given better stories. TNA did it well with Awesome Kong/Gail Kim, followed by The Beautiful People. WWE hasn't done it well in years.

I'm sure Natalya could explain what's wrong with the division much better than I could.


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