Title This: WWE Raw Reaction For 3-12

In Ring Segment:The Undertaker

Shawn Michaels begins to talk about people saying he was a loser and a failure. He calls out Taker, whom he talks about how Taker talked behind his back and called him a loser. Undertaker says Shawn has insecurities and that he is letting his ego get in the way. Shawn says he has no insecurities and that Taker is the one with them because HHH beat him within an inch of his life a year ago. Taker says he accepts whatever outcome happens. Undertaker says he wants it to be called right down the line and ego should not get in the way. Michaels says he knows who will already win. Taker threatens him, Michaels pats him on the shoulder, and Triple H walks out. He gives the "suck it" to Taker and leaves.

What I Liked/Disliked:

I get the feeling that they are running out of things to say. I get the point that they want to view it as Undertaker getting screwed. I do not like the fact that Michaels is getting more air time just because of who he is. Triple H and Undertaker need to really step up and make the story about them. What was the point of this, just for us to think that Michaels will get screwed over? We already know this, so give us something more to hold onto each week.

Grade: C

C.M. Punk def. The Miz:

What I Liked:

We did not get a squash match where Miz gets buried. The back and forth pacing of the match was solid, really focusing on the ground attacks from Punk and Miz. Miz hits a nice bulldog and neckbreaker, but I loved how Punk was able to work around the ground and pound, use his offense through his kicks and legs, and then submit Miz. Punk did just enough in the ring without over exposing himself. The end when Jericho spilled a secret about his dad being an alcoholic was FANTASTIC. It came off real, thanks to the acting by Punk. They needed something to get me more interested and this was it. We all know the realism behind the "straightedge" ways of Punk, so this only made things so much more interesting on a completely different level. I said last week on Chair Shot Reality that there needed to be some sort of personal conflict. Here it is. Question of the week: Does Chris Jericho go further next week and possibly bring Punk's dad in? What else needs to be done here?

What I Disliked:

The match was nothing special. It was average at best. Where will The Miz go from here? I expect him to be on Team Laurinaitis, but it is a shame how far he has fallen over the past few months. Give him a few wins under his belt in the coming weeks, winning over the admiration of Laurinaitis. What if Miz joined Long? That could be a nice way to face turn him.

Grade: B+


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