Title This: WWE Raw Reaction For 3-12

WWE RawOpening Segment:

John Cena comes out in his old school basketball jersey, link chain, and hat. He cuts a freestyle rap on The Rock, talking about the Tooth Fairy, how he had surgery on his boobies, and how he will shove his nuts in his face after he kicks his ass at WrestleMania. This lasted just about four minutes.

What I Liked:

Loved this starting off Raw. You get a rise out of a hot Cleveland crowd early and really open the night up on a positive note. He owned The Rock right here and did a fantastic job really stressing the point of trying to go back to becoming who hw was before. The look, the intonation, and the style of him talking was great. This is what made him get noticed.

What I Disliked:

Wished it was a little longer. Also, I was looking for more personal shots directed towards Rock, something we have not heard Cena use before. Give it a real personal shot to the chest.

Grade: A-

Sheamus def. Dolph Ziggler:

What I Liked:

We get solid action to start off the night. Sheamus and Ziggler worked very well together, knowing each other's timing and style in the ring. Ziggler got a few nice moves in to get things going, but Sheamus took over much like he always does. His strength combined with speed reminds me of a Bobby Lashley. He is able to switch from one direction to the next without flaw. I also though Sheamus' Brogue Kick was fantastic, sold perfectly by Ziggler.

What I Disliked:

Although Bryan and AJ were in the sky box, which was interesting and enjoyable, I felt like he should have came through the crowd and cost Sheamus his match. I do not understand why there has not been more physical altercation, leading up to Bryan getting the upper hand. Cheap shots are what he needs to do, along with continued attacks on a much stronger Sheamus. We need to basically get an "injured" Sheamus for people to really believe Bryan can win in three weeks. Also, what does this do for Ziggler? I remember a time where he would win and look like a main eventer. Even when he came close in a fifteen minute match with Orton or Punk, Ziggler was capable of making himself stronger in the eyes of everyone watching. Now, He seems to face main event talent only to get them over. I do not like this for his character's evolution, which is at a point where he needs to shine.

Grade: B


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